What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate!

The wise people at Silverpop have produced another informative whitepaper called “A Failure to Communicate: Stop the Noise & Start Real Dialogues with Prospects.” Click here to download your free copy.

We recommend this one because it does a great job of discussing how we can communicate more meaningfully with our prospects, nurture them along the buying cycle more effectively, and positively influence the conversations they are having online.

Some key takeaways:

• Buyers are waiting longer to connect with the sales team. Why? They are able to find answers to their questions in other places long before they engage in direct conversation with you. This is lengthening the sales cycle and requires a more proactive communication plan.

• Before crafting messaging, it is very important to understand the route your customers have taken from initial interest in your product to a final purchase. (How did they find you, what pages did they visit on your website and in what order, and when did they decide to speak to your sales team?)

• We’ve said this before, and we’re happy to hear Silverpop say it, too: Gather customer data from the sales team. Find out what they’re hearing from customers and what messages are resonating with prospects. Let sales contribute to marketing messaging – it will create more compelling content.

• Remember: effective marketers take a multi-channel approach. Buyers use different channels at different phases of the buying cycle. Content needs to reflect what the buyers are looking for in each particular channel to achieve the greatest impact.

These are just a few highlights, there’s much more in this free download. To access it and other great resources, visit Silverpop.

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Go-To-Market Strategies / http://go-to-marketstrategies.blogspot.com/