Webinar Series on Selling Online Backup Services to be Scheduled In February

Beginning in February our Sales Manager, David Branch, will offer a series of free webinars designed to help you sell more online backup services. Dave has decades of experience in software and services sales, and has been through advanced industry sales training. His insight and experience will prove invaluable.

Webinar dates will be announced soon. Each will start with a presentation, and end with a question and answer period.

Join us online and learn how to sell more, faster!

Space is limited, so please [register in advance here.]

Some topics include:

Don’t say This say That

  • How to better answer new client questions
  • Answering customer questions

Have You Asked This Lately?

  • Can you share with me your growth expectations for 2012?
  • Are we currently protected all your data?
  • What changes can we make in 2012?
  • Do you find us to be informative?

Telemarketing and how we can help

  • Telemarketing is the first step.
  • When to get us involved.
  • Explaining the price point.

Subscription Importance

  • Everyone’s future
  • Keep your customers with the best technology

Forecasting vs Budget vs Incoming Revenues

Space is limited, so pleaseĀ [register in advance here.]


About The Author

Steve Roberts / http://remote-backup.com

Steve Roberts is VP of Engineering at Remote Backup Systems (http://remote-backup.com), developers of the RBackup Online Backup software platform, providing software powering more than 9,500 Service Providers in 65 countries since 1987.