Many people may think offering discounts, free services or other monetary incentives will keep their customers happy. The truth is that it takes a whole lot more than simple discounts to keep customer loyalty high. While there are various ways to build customer loyalty, below are three actionable components to help retain your customer base. […]
Read MoreMonthly Archives: July 2012
OK, use Google the way it’s supposed to be used – as a search engine, not as your personal bookmarks page or a phone book or 411 when you can’t remember a website’s URL.
Read MoreParody on HPs Cloud Computing Announcement. Very funny.,28789/
Read MoreWe finally have authoritative details on the automatic backup system built into Windows 8. Called “File History,” the feature is far less capable than many of us thought it would be. The big news is that it WILL NOT do online backups.
Read MoreIn 2006 RBS published version 8.53 of RBackup, and it became a superstar. Everyone loved it, and some decided it was good enough to run forever. They stopped paying for their Maintenance Subscriptions, which for some proved a costly mistake. There are currently thousands of end users running old, out of date backup software, […]
Read MoreIt’s still the wild wild web, I guess. Recently a colleague inadvertently published a link to a song called Yesterday – The Backup Song, a parody of the Beatles’ Yesterday with a funny lyric about data backups that I first published on my website way back in 1999. A quick search revealed that many people have claimed that song in the past 13 years since I published it, and it has been re-published without permission liberally, all over the Web.
Read MoreJoin CEO Rob Cosgrove and CTO Pinku Bharti for an ad hoc webinar where YOU get to design the content. Let us know in advance what you want to discuss. We will also answer questions and give demonstrations on the fly during this highly interactive webinar.
Read MoreSMBs are heavily investing in both cloud technology in general and hosted cloud services in particular, with MSPs poised to reap advantages in several ways. According to a new report from AMI Partners, US SMBs with fewer than 1,000 employees will invest $34 billion in cloud services (including IaaS, SaaS, web hosting, UC and remotely […]
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