Remote Backup Systems, leading supplier of software for operating Online Backup Services, has released a Maintenance Release to their industry-defining RBackup Online Backup software platform. Service Providers can download the upgrade from the RBS website at
Read MoreA complete loss of data can be an emotionally-charged situation for end users and Online Backup Service Providers, especially if the customer has forgotten his Encryption Key.
Read MoreRemote Backup Systems, the founders of the online backup industry and developers of the RBackup and Mercury OEM Online Backup platforms today announced the activation of its Emergency Backup Hot Site for use by its Service Providers affected by the 8.9 magnitude earthquake that hit Japan this morning.
Read MoreRent an Online Backup Server. I have rolled up all of RBS’ top of the line software into a virtual environment hosted in the Cloud. Within about ten minutes we can provision a very powerful, dedicated RBS Server for you with all the bells and whistles, and we can rent it to you for $150/month – software included.
Read MoreOnline Backup Hot Site Opened for New Zealand
Read MoreLast month, Forrester found only 8% of organizations believe they have tightly integrated their sales and marketing teams. Their report, B2B Sales and Marketing Alignment Starts With The Customer also found that the greatest obstacles to achieving tighter integration are:
• Long-term thinking by marketing vs. short-term thinking by sales (58%)
• Different goals and measurement (46%)
• Not enough time to integrate (45%)
This list echoes the results of our recent Sales & Marketing Industry Survey, where marketers said their top 3 challenges working with sales were:
• Their lack of follow-up on leads.
• They do not think about the future.
• They don’t communicate.
And where sales indicated their top 3 challenges working with marketers are:
• They don’t provide qualified leads.
• Their marketing materials are irrelevant.
• They don’t understand the target customer’s pain points.
If we look closer at both surveys, we will see that the seeds of our discontent are sown with poor planning, lack of communication, and broken lead generation. So what can get all three of these back on track? What can ensure sales and marketing share the same goals, speak the same language, and march to the same drum?
Easy. It’s called your Sales Process.
Yes, if you are among the 92% of companies who feel like your sales and marketing teams are enduring a very bitter break-up, our advice is to revisit your sales process—immediately. And if you don’t have one defined and documented, well, there’s your problem right there. (Check out our What is your Sales Process article and Sales Process Template for more assistance.)
Remember, alignment problems arise when: 1) sales and marketing are not adhering to their part in the sales process; 2) they don’t understand the sales process or didn’t know it existed, OR 3) the process as defined is simply not working because of a changing market condition.
So start with a well-defined, relevant sales process that puts all of marketing and sales activities, tools, and goals on the same page. Literally.
Last month, Forrester found only 8% of organizations believe they have tightly integrated their sales and marketing teams. Their report, B2B Sales and Marketing Alignment Starts With The Customer also found that the greatest obstacles to achieving tigh...
Read MoreLeading Online Backup software developer and innovator releases a major software upgrade for its flagship product.
Read MoreLeading online backup software distributor releases new version of its Web Manager and E-Commerce plugins.
Read MoreIn a January 31 announcement on its website, Mozy’s President, Harel Kodesh, finally admitted defeat by halting Mozy’s unsustainable Unlimited backup plan. But he didn’t go down without taking an uncharacteristic desperate swing at competitors, alive and dead. After I read the article my first thought was, “Something is wrong over at Mozy.â€
Read MoreIn the 2010 Sales & Marketing Industry survey that we conducted last month, more than half of us marketers responded that we did not have our 2011 marketing plan completed. In fact, 51% were still working on it, whereas 10% hadn’t yet started. Yikes....
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